Council of State Social Studies Specialists


Council of State Social Studies Specialists

 The Council of State Social Studies Specialists (CS4) is an organization founded in 1965, with the primary goal of providing a vehicle for the exchange of ideas among the various states. Its members include the specialists, consultants, and supervisors who have responsibilities for social studies education in the various state departments of education/public instruction. The membership officially meets once a year just prior to the annual convention of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) where members discuss current trends in social studies education and collaborate on current endeavors. Other meetings are planned and held as is feasible and desirable.

Social Studies supervisors at the state Department of Education level in any state may join CS4 as regular members.  To join, a membership in the National Council of the Social Studies is required.  On the application to join NCSS, check the box for CS4.  There is an additional membership fee to join NCSS.  

In addition to a regular state membership, three other types of membership are available:  Associate, Organizational, and Affiliate.  See a description of the types of membership here.  If you are interested in joining CS4 as an associate, organizational, or affiliate member, please contact the NCSS membership department at